Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - Upload Vote and Win

Upload Vote and Win
That's the header we are using on our current round of correspondence. It is interesting to see the level of distrust out there when in reality we are trying to help aspiring musicians. Personally I can't see the risk involved, they upload a song, they get friends to vote - for free - and they run an excellent chance of winning money AND recognition from industry professionals. Where's the risk? In fact WHAT is the risk?

We have a big event due to start in the UK in December, it will be heavily publicised over there and is already building excitement. The prize will be 10,000 POUNDS - wow how can any aspiring Indie singer/band refuse or ignore that chance? In addition the professionals will be watching and listening VERY carefully - ready to grab the next "big thing".

Can't wait to hear some of the entries!

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