Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Day of Achievements

A very warm and windy day here today! Miss Isla spent the day with Mama and Bapa, while John and I went to get a new microwave. That's pretty exciting isn't it! We did a couple of other chores before coming home for lunch.

I then spent a couple of hours cleaning out my wardrobe, wow I was hoarding some old stuff! It is much clearer now, much more sensible, just the things I actually wear.

I'm excited to note that our music site now has a new look. It looks so much better I am rapt. Instead of the red it is now black, much groovier looking and more in fitting with the music scene - I think.

I hope everyone finds it easy to use and is willing to have a go. We have paid out over $10,000 in prizes in the past month, so anything is possible!

Off to dinner now, Thai tonight.

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